Episode 41 - 1/3/24

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Dr. Henson was sent to prison for treating his patients' pain. This is part 1 of a two-part series with Dr. Henson.

This is Dr. Steven R. Henson, M.D. - Biography

"I have been a Career Physician working in the Emergency Room at a Level 1 Trauma Center. I was also the Executive Medical Director for the Nation’s second largest Air Medical Transport Company providing critical medical services to 16 states in both helicopters and airplanes. Think of this as a flying ICU. I trained nurses and paramedics to function in this critical care environment. Additionally, I was a Naval Officer under Ronald Reagan when we kept our Country safe and secure. I traveled to 14 different Countries as a Medical Missionary Doctor providing benevolent care to thousands of people around the World. I have been married to the love of my life, Stephanie for 36 years now and we have (2) adult children, a boy and a girl. I am a Member of Midland Baptist Church where we serve to honor our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ through Biblical Studies, Prayer and Fellowship with others. We sponsor missionary services around the World as well as in our Community! In my career, I have cared for more that 500,000 patients and have impacted many lives through care and compassion! My teaching of Medical Students and Residents was based on listening to the patients. I admonished them to learn one knew thing everyday and teach one knew thing to someone else each day to keep moving forward in medicine where 90% of what we know changes with each decade that passes. I remember when we were able to take care of patients in pain without Government interference! I was voted by my peers as the Physician of the year in Kansas twice and once in the Nation!"

For the unedited video version of this podcast, please go to our Patreon Page.

Episode 40 - 12/19/23

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This is the 3rd and final part to our ORRP (Opioid Rapid Response Program) Series

This program is funded to help support abandoned pain patients after a law enforcement action. ⁠Here is Part 1⁠, in case you missed it. Here is Part 2.

We took clips from the following videos/podcasts for this podcast:

  1. ASTHO - Video 4
  2. ASTHO - Video links in this document
  3. Trusted Contact Video Series
  4. COSSUP - Webinar

For the full list of all documents claiming ORRP exists and works, please go to our⁠ Patreon Page⁠

The information in this podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 39 - 11/30/23

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This is part 2 or our 3 part series on ORRP - Opioid Rapid Response Program. This program is funded to help support abandoned pain patients after a law enforcement action. Here is Part 1, in case you missed it.

We took clips from the following videos/podcasts for this podcast:

For the full list of all documents claiming ORRP exists and works, please go to our Patreon Page

The information in this podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 38 - 11/16/23

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Show Notes

We interview Dr. Stanton Peele and Zach Rhoads about addiction, Suboxone, pain patients, Harm Reduction, and more! You won't want to miss this episode.

Dr. Stanton Peele is a psychologist who has pioneered, among other things, the idea that addiction occurs with a range of experiences and recognition of natural recovery from addiction. He developed the Life Process Program for addiction. He has authored many books since the 1975 publication of Love and Addiction (co-authored by Archie Brodsky); his latest is A Scientific Life on the Edge: My Lonely Quest to Change How We See Addiction.

Zach Rhoads - Zach is a behavior specialist in Vermont schools and his school's PBiS (Positive Behavior Interventions and Supports) coordinator. Zach is a counselor and family systems developer for the online Life Process Program - an addiction coaching program developed by psychologist Dr. Stanton Peele. He also writes articles about health and drug policy for Filter Magazine and is coauthor (with Dr. Stanton Peele) of the book, Outgrowing Addiction. (He is currently working on a forthcoming book about student-led education in the United States). Zach believes that community collaboration and cohesion is a bulwark against many forms of mental illness and addiction, and helps people find these resources in ways that makes sense in their own lives.

The Doctor Patient Forum is a national non profit organization fighting for the rights of pain patients and their providers. We bring awareness to the untreated pain and patient abandonment crisis. We are also knows as Don’t Punish Pain Rally.


#thedoctorpatientforum  #dontpunishpainrally #chronicpain #opioids #chronicpainpatient #patientabandonment #harmreduction #chronicillness #medicalgaslighting #dpfpatreon #pain #opioideliminationindustry #opioidelimination #patreon #thedoctorpatientforumpatreon #harmreduction #medicalgaslighting

The information in this podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 37 - 11/2/23

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We often hear from pain patients who were dismissed from their doctor for failing their drug test. They say there is no way the test is right. Ed Brown gives some possible explanations.

Edward Brown's Bio:

Edward G. Brown is a chemistry expert with over twenty-five years of laboratory research experience, over 5 years of patent work experience and over twenty years of experience assisting attorneys in chemistry cases as chemistry expert and expert witness.  His technical and academic background includes the following:

B.S. degree in chemistry from the University of California, Berkeley;

Ph.D. in chemistry from the University of California, Davis;

In addition, Dr. Brown received post-doctoral research fellowships from the University of Auckland, NZ and Yale University; he pursued chemical analysis and chemistry research related to methodology development in organic chemistry at those institutions.

Dr. Brown has also worked in a number of biochemical and pharmaceutical companies during his career as a research chemist, staff scientist and senior research scientist; he currently provides clients with in-lab contract medicinal chemistry research expertise as well as patent drafting and expert witness services.

He is a coauthor on over twenty chemistry articles and is a co-inventor on ten U.S. patents.  He has testified in both state and federal courts as a chemistry expert in both criminal and patent litigation cases.

His expertise as a medicinal chemistry expert in criminal drug cases has expanded over the years and includes advising in cases involving:

methamphetamine and amphetamine analysis, manufacture, possession and sale;

fentanyl, opioid and opiate analysis, possession and sale;

cocaine analysis, possession and sale;

LSD analysis, possession and sale;

MDMA and MDA analysis, manufacture, possession and sale;

benzodiazepine analysis, possession and sale;

analysis, possession and sale of synthetic cannabinoids;

and in hemp, THC and marijuana cases.

Dr. Brown currently advises attorneys and other clients in criminal, patent and litigation cases as a medicinal chemistry expert and consultant in Durham, NC.

His webpage can be found at: www.ExpertChemistryServices.com

The Doctor Patient Forum is a national non profit organization fighting for the rights of pain patients and their providers. We bring awareness to the untreated pain and patient abandonment crisis. We are also knows as Don’t Punish Pain Rally.


#thedoctorpatientforum  #dontpunishpainrally #chronicpain #opioids #chronicpainpatient #patientabandonment #harmreduction #chronicillness #medicalgaslighting #dpfpatreon #pain #opioideliminationindustry #opioidelimination #patreon #thedoctorpatientforumpatreon #harmreduction #medicalgaslighting #UDT #drugtest #toxscreen

The information contained in this podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 36 - 10/25/23

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Show Notes

If you missed part 1, please listen here. Kacey, a NC patient, recorded her appt with her doctor because he was dismissing her and she didn't know why. Listen to the recording of her appointment and then listen to Kacey explain how she felt when she was being treated this way.

This is part 2, which is a recording of her next appointment with a new pain doctor.

If you'd like to see the full video of this podcast - including before and after the show discussion, please go to ⁠patreon.com/thedoctorpatientforum⁠

The information in the podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

#dontpunishpainrally #chronicpain #opioids #chronicpainpatient
#patientabandonment #harmreduction #chronicillness #medicalgaslighting
#dpfpatreon #pain #opioideliminationindustry #opioidelimination #patreon
#thedoctorpatientforumpatreon #harmreduction #medicalgaslighting

Episode 34 - 10/7/23

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Show Notes

Kacey, a NC patient, recorded her appt with her doctor because we was dismissing her and she didn't know why. This is part 1 of Kacey and me listening the the recording and responding to it.

Here is the video where we discussed ORRP/Project Echo and how they banned us from their webinar.

If you'd like to see the full video of this podcast - including before and after the show discussion, please go to patreon.com/thedoctorpatientforum 

The information in the podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 33 - 9/27/23

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Show Notes

Claudia and Bev interview Dennis James Capolongo. Dennis is a retired patient advocate and former director of the EDNC in Washington DC. His 25 year career as a photojournalist came to an abrupt end after having been misdiagnosed with a disc herniation for minor hip pain in 2001. Unfortunately this led to a calamity of errors resulting in two subdural epidural steroid injections using Pfizer's DepoMedrol, an off-label, unapproved application of particulate steroid suspensions. He suffered progressive irreparable harm to his brain, spinal cord and eyes. His efforts at the FDA resulted in new warnings & revisions for all injectable steroids worldwide. Today he spends most days in bed controlling the severe adverse effects of these life-altering, unlicensed pain management procedures.

Although Dennis' org is closed, the videos are still available on his YouTube Channel

To see the full unedited video including before and after the podcast discussions -please go to The Doctor Patient Forum's Patreon Page - Patreon.com/thedoctorpatientforum

If you've had an experience with ESI that you'd like to share with us, please email bev@thedoctorpatientforum.com

Do you have a story about ESI that you'd like to share? Please email bev@thedoctorpatientforum.com

Disclaimer: The information in this podcast is not to be considered medical or legal advice

Episode 32 - 9/13/23 

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Show Notes

Netflix released another nonsense series about the Sacklers called Painkiller. Cameron English, a journalist from ACSH, published an amazing article calling them out on their lies. Cameron breaks it down for us.

Cameron's links:

Twitter: @camjenglish

Podcast: Science Facts & Fallacies

If you'd like to see the video of this episode including before and after the podcast discussion, please go to our Patreon page -


Disclaimer: The information that has been provided to you in this podcast is not to be considered legal or medical advice.

The Doctor Patient Forum

Claudia A. Merandi 5 Chedell Ave, E Providence, RI 029141.401.523.0426